See How You can Score and Rank Your Projects

Prioritize and allocate resources to key initiatives

See How You
can Score and Rank
Your Projects

Prioritize and
allocate resources
to key initiatives.

See How You
can Score and Rank
Your Projects

Prioritize and
allocate resources
to key initiatives.

Sign-up to Watch 4 minute Demo!

Streamline Capital Budgeting with Stratex Online

Ready to revolutionize how you identify, assess, and prioritize projects? In this on-demand demo you will:

  1. See how to assess risks of inaction and implementation, enhancing your project prioritization strategies.
  2. View qualitative and metric-based benefit assessments, guiding you from project inception to a robust business case.
  3. Explore strategic alignment, urgency, benefits, and risks to generate comprehensive assessment scores.

Capital Project Scoring and Ranking

Magnifying glass to symbolise business concept of identify.

Identify Project Risk

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Assess Project Benefits

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Score and Rank Objectively

How Stratex Online Identifies the Best Capital Investment Initiatives

Stratex Online empowers informed decision-making based on standardized prioritization criteria, and facilitates the allocation of human and capital resources to projects with the highest potential for success and value creation.

Online Business Case Templates

Stratex Online enables you to:

Group 25

Collect, evaluate and prioritize capital investment requests

by assessing strategic alignment, operational urgency, business benefits and implementation risks reliably.

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Build business cases for easier evaluation

by using an online template to ensure project submissions are efficiently prepared and that key metrics such as NPV and Payback period are consistently calculated.

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Select a project portfolio that optimizes your capital budget allocation

to maximize your return on invested capital and expedite the achievement of strategic goals at lowest cost and risk.

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Authorize capital expenditure requests with confidence

by automatically routing approvals according to your delegation of authority policies and by presenting high-quality business case metrics to executives.

Prioritize your projects strategically for optimal efficiency and impact.

Start automating the scoring and ranking of your projects today.

Prioritize your projects
strategically for optimal
efficiency and impact.

Start automating the scoring and ranking of your projects today.

Prioritize your projects
strategically for optimal
efficiency and impact.

Start automating the scoring and ranking of your projects today.